有关《个人资料(私隐)条例》(第486章) 的客户通知
本声明由财通集团*根据《个人资料(私隐)条例》所编制。本声明旨在就为何收集个人资料、个人资料将如何被使用及何人有权访问数据等告知 阁下。
- I.日常营运账户或向阁下提供服务;
- II.于开通阁下账户或提供服务时进行信用审核╱背景╱诉讼调查;
- III.建立及维持财通集团的信贷及风险相关模式;
- IV.协助其他金融机构进行信用审核及收账;
- V.确保阁下维持信用;
- VI.为阁下设计金融服务或相关产品;
- VII.推广以下服务及产品:
- A.金融、证券及相关服务及产品;
- B.奖励、忠诚度或特权计划及相关服务及产品;
- C.及由财通集团的品牌合作伙伴提供的服务及产品。
- VIII.确定阁下应收或应付的负债金额;
- IX.满足根据任何对财通集团具有法律约束力的法律规定及为遵守监管或其他机构颁布且预计财通集团须遵守的任何指引作出披露的需求;
- 授予财通集团的一名实际或拟受让人或财通集团参与者或从属参与者就阁下评估拟作为转让、参与或从属参与对象的交易的权利;及
- 作有关用途。
- I.向财通集团就其业务运营提供行政、电讯、计算机电脑、支付或证券结算或其他服务的任何代理、承包商或第三方服务供应商;
- II.信贷资料服务机构及债务托收机构(倘违约);
- III.财通集团根据任何对财通集团或其任何集团公司具有法律约束力的法律规定及为遵守监管或其他机构颁布且预计财通集团或其任何集团公司须遵守的任何指引有责任向其作出披露的任何人;
- IV.财通集团的任何实际或拟定受托人或财通集团涉及阁下权利的参与者或分参与者或承让人;及
- A.财通集团;
- B.第三方奖励、忠诚及特权计划供应供货商;
- C.财通集团的联合品牌合作伙伴及财通集团的成员公司(该等联合品牌合作伙伴的名称将于应用相关服务及产品(视情况而定)期间提供);及
- D.财通集团就第(d)(vii) 段所载目的聘请的外部服务供应供货商;
- 该等资料可能被传送至香港境外。
- 就上文 e(ii) 项而言,信贷资料服务机构将使用财通集团提供的上述个人资料,旨在收集客户不时持有的信贷融资数额,以供信贷供应供货商可于信贷资料服务机构的客户信贷资料库共享。倘拖欠未悉数偿还的欠款,则财通集团有权向债务托收机构提供上述个人资料以托收债务,直至财通集团获悉数支付未偿还款项为止。
- I.财通集团可能于直销中使用阁下以下的个人资料类别
- 姓名及联系聯繫方式;
- A.姓名及联系方式;
- B.产品及服务组合资料;
- C.交易模式及行为;
- D.财务背景;及
- E.人口数据。
- II.以下类别的服务、产品及主体可作营销(下称「许可类别促销目标」):
- A.金融、证券、投资及相关服务、产品及建议;
- B.推广、奖励、忠诚或特权计划及相关服务及产品;
- C.财通集团的联合品牌合作伙伴提供的服务及产品;及
- D.为慈善╱及或非牟利目的作出的捐款及供款。
- III.上述服务、产品及主体可能由财通集团及╱或以下各方提供及╱或营销:
- A.第三方金融机构、证券及投资服务供应供货商;
- B.第三方奖励、忠诚、联合品牌或特权计划供应供货商;
- C.财通集团的联合品牌合作伙伴及其集团公司;及
- D.财通集团的成员
- IV.除使用阁下的个人资料于许可类别促销目标外,财通集团亦有意向第 f(iii)段所述全部或任何人士提供第f(i)段所述资料,以供彼等用于许可类别促销目标,而财通集团除就此获阁下的书面同意(包括无异议意向)外不能使用阁下的个人资料;
- V.财通集团可能获取金钱或其他财产或以其他途径获利作为向第f(iii)段所述其他人士提供资料的回报。向阁下请求第f(iv)段所述书面同意或无异议意向时,财通集团将通知阁下财通集团是否将获取任何金钱或其他财产或以其他途径获利作为向其他人士提供资料的回报。
- 倘阁下不希望财通集团使用阁下的个人资料或向其他人士提供阁下的个人资料以供上述直销之用,阁下可通过通知财通集团行使阁下的退出选择权。
g. 根据及依照个人资料(私隐)条例的条款,阁下有权:
- I.向财通集团查询是否持有有关阁下的资料及获取该资料;
- II.要求财通集团更正有关阁下的任何错误资料;及
- III.确定财通集团关于个人资料的政策及程序及获知财通集团所持的个人资料类别。
h. 根据《个人资料(私隐)条例》的条款,财通集团有权就处理任何资料获取请求收取合理费用。
- 保障资料主任
- 香港中环皇后大道中181号
- 新纪元广场 24 楼
- 2401-03 室
本移动应用程式内嵌使用了第三方的软件开发工具包SDK (Software Development Kit),某些SDK可能会收集阁下的个人资料,目前内嵌的第三方SDK如下:
1. 我们用了极光推送SDK, 小米推送SDK,华为推送SDK,魅族推送SDK,OPPO推送SDK,用于提供消息推送服务;
2. 我们用了腾讯Bugly SDK,用于提供程序崩溃信息上报,有助于提高本移动应用程式的稳定性;
3. 我们用了微信SDK,用于提供分享功能;
4. 我们使用了GDCA证书SDK,用于提供在线开户功能。
This Statement is made by Caitong Group* in accordance with the PDPO. The statement is intended to notify you about why personal data is collected, how it will be used and to whom data access requests are to be addressed.
A.From time to time, it is necessary for you to supply Caitong Group with Personal Data in connection with the opening or continuation of Accounts and the establishment or continuation of provision of Brokerage Services or compliance with any laws or guidelines issued by regulatory or other authorities.
B.Failure to supply such data may result in Caitong Group being unable to open or continue accounts or provide or continue to provide brokerage services or comply with any laws or guidelines issued by regulatory or other authorities.
C.It is also the case that Personal Data is collected from customers in the ordinary course of the continuation of the relationship. This includes information obtained from credit reference agencies.
D.The purpose of which Personal Data relating to you may be used are as follows:
- i.Operating the Accounts or providing the Services to you on a daily basis;
- ii.Conducting credit checks/background/litigation search upon the opening of your Accounts or provision of the Services;
- iii.Creating and maintaining Caitong Group’s credit and risk related models;
- iv.Assisting other financial institutions to conduct credit checks and collect debts;
- v.Ensuring ongoing credit worthiness of customers;
- vi.Designing financial services or related products for your use;
- vii.Marketing the following services and products:
- 1.Financial, securities and related services and products;
- 2.Reward, loyalty or privileges programs and related services and products; and
- 3.Services and products offered by Caitong Group’s co-branding partners.
- viii.Determining the amount of indebtedness owed to or by you;
- ix.Meeting the requirements to make disclosure under the requirements of any law binding on Caitong Group or its group companies and for the purposes of any guidelines issued by regulatory or other authorities with which Caitong Group or its group companies are expected to comply;
- x.Enabling an actual or proposed assignee of Caitong Group or participant or sub-participant of Caitong Group’s rights in respect of you to evaluate the transaction intended to be the subject of the assignment, participation or sub-participation; and
- xi.Purposes relating thereto.
E.Personal Data held by Caitong Group relating to you will be kept confidential but Caitong Group may provide such information to the following parties (whether within or outside Hong Kong) for the purposes set out in paragraph (d):
- i.Any agent, contractor or third-party service provider who provides administrative, telecommunications, computer, payment or securities clearing or other services to Caitong Group in connection with the operation of its business;
- ii.Credit reference agencies, and in the Event of Default, to debt collection agencies;
- iii.Any person to whom Caitong Group is under an obligation to make disclosure under the requirements of any law binding on Caitong Group or any group companies or under and for the purposes of any guidelines issued by regulatory or other authorities with which Caitong Group or any group companies are expected to comply;
- iv.Any actual or proposed assignee of Caitong Group or participant or sub-participant or transferee of Caitong Group’s rights in respect of you; and
- 1.members of Caitong Group;
- 2.third-party reward, loyalty and privileges program providers;
- 3.Co-branding partners of Caitong Group and Caitong Group’s group companies (the names of such co-branding partners will be provided during the application of the relevant services and products, as the case may be); and
- 4.external service providers that Caitong Group engages for the purposes set out in paragraph (d)(vii);
- Such information may be transferred to a place outside Hong Kong.
- In connection with e(ii) above, the credit reference agency will use the above Personal Data supplied by Caitong Group for the purpose of compiling a count of the number of credit facilities from time to time held by the customer for sharing in the consumer credit database of the credit reference agency by credit providers. In the event of any default in payment where the amount in default is not fully repaid, Caitong Group and its group companies have the right to supply the above Personal Data to debt collection agencies for the purpose of debt collection until the outstanding amount is fully repaid to Caitong Group.
F.Caitong Group intends to use your Personal Data in direct marketing and Caitong Group may not so use your Personal Data unless Caitong Group has received your consent (which includes an indication of no objection) for that purpose. In this connection, please note that:
- i.the following kinds of your Personal Data may be used by Caitong Group in direct marketing:
- 1.name and contact details;
- 2.products and services portfolio information;
- 3.transaction pattern and behavior;
- 4.financial background; and
- 5.demographic data.
- ii.the following classes of services, products and subjects may be marketed (the “Marketing Subjects”):
- 1.financial, securities, investment and related services, products and advices;
- 2.promotion, reward, loyalty or privileges programs and related services and products;
- 3.services and products offered by Caitong Group’s co-branding partners; and
- 4.donations and contributions for charitable and/or non-profit making purposes.
- iii.the above services, products and subjects may be provided and/or marketed by Caitong Group and/or:
- 1.third-party financial institutions, securities and investment services providers;
- 2.third-party reward, loyalty, co-branding or privileges program providers;
- 3.co-branding partners of Caitong Group and its group companies; and
- 4.members of the Caitong Group.
- iv.in addition to using your Personal Data in relation to the Marketing Subjects itself, Caitong Group also intends to provide the data described in paragraph f(i) to all or any of the persons described in paragraph f(iii) for their use in relation to the Marketing Subjects, and Caitong Group may not so provide your Personal Data unless Caitong Group has received your written consent (which includes an indication of no objection) for that purpose;
- v.Caitong Group may receive money or other property or otherwise gain in return for providing the data to the other persons in paragraph f(iii) and, when requesting your consent or no objection as described in paragraph f(iv), Caitong Group will inform you if Caitong Group will receive any money or other property or otherwise gain in return for providing the data to the other persons.
- If you do not wish Caitong Group to use or provide to other persons your Personal Data for use in direct marketing as described above, you may exercise your opt-out right by notifying Caitong Group.
G.Under and in accordance with the terms of the PDPO, you have the right:
- i.to check whether Caitong Group holds data about you and to access such data;
- ii.to require Caitong Group to correct any data relating to you which is inaccurate; and
- iii.ascertain Caitong Group’s policies and procedures in relation to Personal Data and to be informed of the kind of Personal Data held by Caitong Group.
H.In accordance with the terms of the PDPO, Caitong Group has the right to charge a reasonable fee for the processing of any data access request.
I.The person to whom requests for access to data or correction of data or for information regarding kinds of data held are to be addressed as follow:
- Data Protection Officer
- Unit 2401-03,
- 24/F, Grand Millennium Plaza,
- 181 Queen’s Road Central,
- Central, Hong Kong.
The use of SDK by this mobile application
This mobile application uses third-party Software Development Kit (SDK). Some SDKs may collect your personal information. The currently embedded third-party SDKs are as follows:
1. We have used JiGuang, Mi SDK, Huawei SDK, MeiZu SDK, OPPO SDK, for providing message delivery service;
2. We have used Tencent Bugly SDK for reporting program crash, which improves the stability of the mobile application;
3. We have used WeChat SDK for providing sharing function;
4. We have used GDCA certificate SDK for supporting online account opening function.
Those SDKs are operated by third-parties and you are subject to those third-parties’ own terms and information protection statements (not this Notice to Clients Relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance).
Regarding the types of permission that the third-party SDKs use and the way they collect and use your personal information, please refer to the relevant service agreements and privacy policies of the third-parties.
The Use of Cookies in the Website
In order to better serve our Website users, Caitong Group may use ‘cookies’ to gather information about site visitors’ browsing activities. A cookie is small text file that is sent automatically from a website to visitor’s web-enabled device (i.e., computer, smartphone or other devices) to enable the browser to remember certain information when a visitor visits a website. If you visit any of our Websites, we may use cookie files to store and track information about you and your preferences.
The browsers of most web-enabled devices are set up to accept cookies by default. It is possible to amend your cookies preferences through your browser settings and editing your browser options. If cookies are disabled, it may mean certain functions on our Websites may be unavailable.
We may also collect information regarding your Internet Protocol (IP) address, browser information, site domain name and access time every time you visit our Websites. This information would only be used for our internal research. This information is unrelated to and separate from your Personal Data. In rare instances, IP addresses may be used to assist in deterring and/or preventing abusive or criminal activity on the Websites.
*“Caitong Group” means Caitong Securities (Hong Kong) Company Limited and its members, including its subsidiaries, associated companies and such other companies of such Caitong Securities (Hong Kong) Company Limited may add from time to time.